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How Thule Outride 561 Can Assist You In Enjoying Your Cycling Hobby?

Rooftop bike racks are a great way to move your bike from one place to another. This attachment kit aids in carrying your cycle without obstructing your view of the road as the cycle is on the roof not on the rear or sides. If your vehicle is large, then you can carry more bikes on the roof. A rack also assures that the bike is safe and secure outside your vehicle, freeing up lots of interior room. Roof racks provide a stable way for transporting your vehicle even if the front tyre is removed or not.

Thule Outride 561

Rooftop bike racks generally come in two styles. The first model is the fork mount rack. The best example of the rack is Thule Outride 561. This option offers a high level of safety and stability as the front tyre is removed and fastened. The front tyre needs to be stored separately in the vehicle.

The other model is the upright racks that allow shifting cycle with its front tyre on. This model does not need any additional space for storing the tyre. Both models are great option for carrying your bike on a vehicle. Most rack models can carry all type of bikes that work with quick release and through axles. 

The roof-racks can be factory installed or can be bought separately and attached to car’s roof. The main condition for the roof rack is that the roof should be fixed correctly to the vehicle and the bike should be fastened appropriately so that they stay safe even on bumpy roads.

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