A Sunseeker awning has a great design that helps people to enjoy a camping trip to the maximum. Many vehicle owners prefer them as they provide numerous advantages over other awnings mainly because they are great for camping trips, quick getaways, watching an outdoor game. They could be ideal for a tradesman who does not have any permanent establishment.
These shade providers can be fitted into most roof racks easily, including the Prorack Roof Rack, with the help of the fitting kit that generally comes with the awning. The car owners, without much help, can install the racks easily. All the accessories required for setting up the awning are provided with the kit.
The other features of the awning that is making it a popular choice are:
- Easy setup and pack away: The accessories that come with awning can be used for setup and can be easily packed in the bags provided. The heavy-duty PVC bag can be used to carry the product and for storage as well. The solid frame is made from anodized aluminium and so they do not corrode. The metal is also lightweight with enough strength to hold the awning strong in all climates.
- UV protection: The poly-cotton material used in the making of the awning provides protection from harmful UV rays which is needed in the harsh Australian climates.
- Waterproof and mould resistant: these awnings work well in winters and rainy seasons as well. They do not allow water to seep in, is resistant to moisture, and so does not allow mould to build up.
- Stable during winds: The awnings come with Velcro ties that can be fastened to secure them and not allow them to fly away during winds. They can be fixed easily and have superior holding power.
People should be aware of real looking products that are fake and do not work in the same way as the original.